Data. Worth. Sharing.

We make real-time urban data easier to use and share

Our aim is to empower organisations to unlock the full value of real-time data across all urban infrastructure and IoT systems, and to best manage data access, re-use, sharing and monetisation.

The Urban Data Challenge

Access to the right urban data has the potential to improve the quality of life of every citizen, make our society more resilient and enable a greener and more sustainable future for our planet.

As a consequence, cities and their stakeholders are investing in data-driven solutions enabled by technologies such as IoT sensors and other urban systems covering areas such as traffic management, EV charging patterns and air quality. However, these diverse solutions typically operate as stand-alone, proprietary service silos focussed on solving one specific problem via one specific solution stack. Yet the complexity of urban environments often requires data from these systems to be combined, enhanced or shared with others beyond the service dashboards to solve multiple problems and obtain real and recurring value.

Unlocking the Power of Urban Data

The data generated from these technologies becomes far more powerful when shared and combined with other related data streams to drive further innovation, analysis and action. However, such urban data is typically locked away in propriety vendor systems and is often hard to access and validate, and even harder to use and share. This means accessing the right urban data streams for any data-related project is costly and time consuming. A multitude of legal and commercial challenges greatly increases complexity if data needs to be shared not just within organisations and teams - but with external partners and third-party organisations where extra value can be added. This is where UDX comes in.

If you are currently running a smart city or IoT project, need to overcome limitations in your urban infrastructure and IoT solutions or want to design and implement new strategies that unlock the full value in your urban data, we would love to find out more and explore how UDX can help.

We’d love to hear from you.

Whether you are curious about our solutions, would like a product demonstration or need more information, please do get in touch.